Music for Cancer Care
Music for Chemo
Music for Cancer Wellness

Amy Camie, CCM
Certified Clinical Musician & 2-time breast cancer thriver


Whether you are recently diagnosed, currently in treatment, or creating a wellness lifestyle living with or beyond cancer, the Healing Harp Music below can help relax your body, calm your mind, and gently soothe your soul. 


Our Gift to You 
When you click the player below, 23 minutes of beautiful therapeutic solo harp music begins. 

The Magic Mirror, and has been shown to support brainwave and immune system function. We are sharing this music here to help those who could benefit from listening, anytime, day or night.  


This Gift is a Preview of over 2 hours of Healing Harp Music available to purchase and download as one single track.

Over 2 Hours of Healing Harp Music

Amy Camie, Certified Clinical Musician

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Over 2 Hours of Healing Harp Music

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Over 2 hours of beautiful therapeutic solo harp music to relax your body, calm your mind and gently soothe your soul. This single download includes 3 full CDs ~ "The Magic Mirror" - "Spiral In Time" - "Love's Gentle Embrace"

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The Healing Harp Music download contains 3 full albums for you to enjoy: 

This music has helped thousands of people relax, sleep, and feel a sense of peace and calm by reducing pain, distress, and anxiety.

Purchase and download to experience over 2 hours of continuous therapeutic solo harp music that wraps you in a soft blanket of sound, cradling you in love's gentle embrace. 


to listen, purchase & download CDs individually


Listen Upon DiagnosisMusic for Cancer Care 

As someone who has walked two journeys with breast cancer, I know the anxiety, fear, and uncertainty that comes with an initial diagnosis (see Meet Amy Camie below). Feelings of confusion and lack of control are familiar to many new patients, their family members, and friends. 

Listening to this music helps lessen anxiety during the initial time after diagnosis, as soothing melodies gently wrap you in a soft blanket of sound, reminding you, you’re not alone. 

Sleep is often difficult as uncontrollable thoughts and feelings keep us awake. This extended single track of Healing Harp Music helps calm your mind and relax your body, allowing you to drift into peaceful sleep, leaving you more rested and prepared for your next series of tests and treatment plans.  



Listen During All Forms of TreatmentMusic for Chemo 

Listening to this music during treatment helps support your body’s brainwave and immune system function. 

“…studies suggest that listening to The Magic Mirror solo harp CD can be used in combination with other therapy for cancer or physiologically stressed patients to reduce the magnitude and duration of the effect of their disease."  Waheed A, Kossor D, Collins W, Camie A (2018) Effect of Specific Music on Psychoneuroimmunological Responses. Int J Oncol Res 1:012.  (download Supportive Research below)

I listened to this music daily during chemotherapy and radiation and experienced minimal side effects from these treatments. 



Listen as a Conscious Self-Care Choice - Music for Cancer Wellness 

For many, a cancer diagnosis is an opportunity to slow down and start taking care of themselves. My diagnosis was the beginning of a conscious self-care journey – a journey to remember how to love myself again and live a wellness lifestyle from the inside out. 

This music played during my biopsies, surgeries, yoga classes, massage therapy sessions, acupuncture treatments, and throughout the day in our home – a continual reminder that I was loved and supported. 

Finishing treatment(s) comes with a paradox of emotions as patients often feel relieved and excited to be finished and yet alone and untethered to the professional care and support they had during treatments. This creates another cycle of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty as we now walk into their unknown future. 

Listening to this music can help as it calms the mind, relaxes the body, and gently soothes the soul - reminding you, you are loved and never alone.

Download Supportive Research

Effect of Specific Music on Psychoneuroimmunological Responses "The results of these studies suggest that listening to The Magic Mirror solo harp CD can be used in combination with other therapy for cancer or physiologically stressed patients to reduce the magnitude and duration of the effect of their disease."
Waheed A, Kossor D, Collins W, Camie A (2018) Effect of Specific Music on Psychoneuroimmunological Responses. Int J Oncol Res 1:012.
2.79 MB

Meet Amy Camie

Amy Camie is an accomplished harpist and recording artist. What she never expected to be is a published researcher. Classically trained, Amy rarely equated music and healing. However, she trusted the uncharted path unfolding and eventually experienced the healing power of her own music during two journeys with breast cancer. 

For over 20 years, cancer centers and hospices around the country have shared Amy’s music with patients, families, staff, and volunteers.  

Her unforeseen course began after graduation in 1987, when a family friend, diagnosed with ovarian cancer, was going through hospice care. Amy was inspired to record a cassette tape of music to help her relax and it worked. Thus began 25+ years of exploring the effects of and sharing her solo harp music with those in stressful life situations. 

Amy’s music has been shown to substantially reduce pain and anxiety levels in less than ten minutes. Published pilot studies using The Magic Mirror CD indicate a direct positive impact on brainwave function in patients receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer after listening once a day for 10 days and a sustained impact on immune system biomarkers for up to 72 hours after listening to the music once. (see Supportive Research) Additionally, two medically approved clinical trials have been designed using her music with patients diagnosed with cancer.  

In December 2010, Amy was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and listened to The Magic Mirror music daily as part of her conscious self-care routine. Her treatment included a lumpectomy, removal of 11 lymph nodes, 6 rounds of chemotherapy and 33 radiation treatments. In December 2012 she was diagnosed a second time, in the same breast, and had a right mastectomy, radical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and took Tamoxifen for almost 8 years.

Amy's music was part of her Cancer Care as she listened daily to relax her body, calm her mind, and gently soothe her soul.

Listening to this music also helped limit any adverse affects of Chemo or radiation treatments.

And finally, her music was played during biopsies, surgeries, gentle yoga classes, lymphatic massages, and acupuncture sessions and continues to support her conscious self-care & Wellness lifestyle today.

This music has helped thousands of cancer patients, family members, and compassionate care providers experience a deep sense of peace, calm, and comfort. May you and your loved ones also experience a sense of peace, comfort and healing through her music. 

How This Music Touches Lives

Personal One-on-One Sessions with Amy